Monday 25 February 2008

Oh Rly

hey all, today ..or rather last night was eventful. i have begun work on the next scene. so that should be interesting.. Here is the final99% completed 3rd shot in our film.

oh and in another part ive been accepted as an Animator for a Age of Chivalry modification for HL2

here is their address this should be a good experience for me.

BUT heres the playblast, Lip movements, and eyes have now been fully added.

Sunday 24 February 2008

Time Crisis

Ok so its been almost.. too long since my last post. No excuses only the truth, Dissertation, Business Plan, Jobs, Uni and of course internet bills :| any ways im back.

and to Celebrate i have a few playblasts of my current WIP for this animation.

so yes some of these are rough, and some are not. i have about three to show you guys.(whoever reads this blog) any who. comment if you wish. i feel the accent turn in the first video is to slow but that will all be changed in the final. this is just to give you guys a feel for what is to come.